The sheer volume of people who have seen Stephen speaks for itself…. But here we have some testimonials…
My family swear by Stephens sessions keep our health in check. Its nice to have the support for our regular MOT's ...JT Yorkshire
I was amazed by the increased energy and mobility. I've suffered with from birth with many joint conditions and now Im walking without sticks after all these years…. I still can't believe it!..
Hi there , I want to say thank you and Stephen so much , cause I have my happiest week in my life , that I got to know u ……….And I know what my mission is in my life… I got to experience it…...J.H.
After a horrific rugby accident my 12 year old son's foot was hanging off to the side. Having been told that my son would need pins in his legs for eight months minimum with multiple surgeries I was desperate for help. I had no time to take off work and was instructed by the hospital to move in to the hospital for a some weeks which was over sixty miles from home as he was too delicate to move.
Against all odds they managed to secure it enough for him to travel that day. Prior to the operation that same night I begged the Doctors time and time again to ask what they could do to avoid the pins when they took him in for the first surgery...... they said impossible time after time and only after a while of insisting he told me 1 in a 1000 chance. So I insisted I would take take that chance.
Miraculously the surgery time was cut short, and the doctor returned to say he was very happy as unbelieveably they did not have to operate and managed to align by hand in a cast, they were very happy with the scan.
I had begged Stephen to come to the hospital to give healing and since he was travelling abroad he was not able to make it. He said he would do distant and told me how to hold the leg.
Within three days my boy was out, with a cast for six weeks with his leg in the air for three. With my son in the care of the nanny I was able to cover my work commitments and he was soon enough enjoying being wheeled about by his friends and racing around on his crutches!!
One of the breaks had been very close to the growth plate and they said there was quite a chance that the leg would be deformed by not growing like the other one. It took some months to ascertain that it was good. Very Happy with my sons improvement and for the minimal long term impact for his health and well being and my professional commitments. Thank You Stephen!!…. ES London